2024-2025 Oregon High School Mock Trial
Registration CLOSED
Competition Season’s Case Now Available! (Click Here)
Mock Trial is both a classroom strategy and an extracurricular competition. Using a mock court case, students play the roles of attorneys, witnesses, and court officers while gaining public speaking, teamwork, research, collaboration, civil and criminal legal concepts, and civic engagement skills. Mock Trial brings the law alive for students and gives them a voice in what otherwise might seem a very distant judicial system.
Oregon has been participating in the National High School Mock Trial Competition (NHSMTC) since 1987, and Civics Learning Project is proud to continue that legacy today. Every February and March, high school teams from around the state compete in Regional Competitions. The top teams then compete at the State Competition, and that winner goes on to the National Competition to compete against teams from across the country.
Civics Learning Project coordinates the high school Mock Trial competitions in Oregon and also provides workshops for teachers to implement mock trial strategies in their classrooms.
Interested in bringing Mock Trial into your classroom? Check our upcoming events for learning opportunities, or access Mock Trial resources in our Educator Resource Community.
For additional information or support in bringing Mock Trial to your community, contact Abby Laufman
*An updated version of the Competition Case was published on October 19, 2023. Edits include the addition of Jury Instructions, reformatting of Exhibit 6, and fixes in grammar, spelling, names.
Civics Learning Project’s Mock Trial Program is generously supported by