Civics Learning Project hosted the 2020 We the People Constitution Team State Tourament at the Mark O. Hatfield Federal Courthouse in downtown Portland on Saturday, January 25. Six high schools competed in the tournament. Oregon Supreme Court Justice Adrienne Nelson congratulated the teams and presented the awards at the ceremony which wrapped up the day.
Lincoln High School claimed first place. They will continue on to the national competition, hosted by the Center for Civic Education on April 24-27, 2020 at the National Conference Center near Washington, DC.
Grant High School was the runner up this year. Oregon secured a national wildcard slot, so the Grant team will join Lincoln in the nation’s Capital in April. Oregon has a long history of national success, winning nine times in the thirty year history of the competition and placing in the top three several other years.
Central Catholic secured third place, followed by Cleveland High, Lake Oswego, High, and Franklin High.
Founded and designed by The Center for Civic Education, We the People: The Citizen and the Constitution is an active learning curriculum designed to foster deeper understanding of the U.S. Constitution, Bill of Rights, and the institutions of government. The culminating activity is a simulated congressional hearing in which students testify before a panel, answering questions that demonstrate their knowledge and confidence.
For more information about the We the People program and this year’s tournament, contact State Coordinator / Senior Program Manager Cari Zall at 503.224.4424 or by email.