Make your voice heard and tell the Oregon Legislature to pass SB 513 so every Oregon High School student will have the opportunity to graduate with a strong understanding about how their government works.
By submitting the form on this page, you will send the letter below to the members of the House Education Committee, letting them know you support the Civics Education Act.
The best way to preserve democracy is to teach democracy.
Right now, Oregon is one of only 11 states that does not require a civics education class to graduate. 76% of high schools seniors test below a proficiency level in civics. Research shows that students who receive quality civics education are more likely to vote, complete college, give back to their communities, and develop skills that lead to employment.
Dear Representative,
I was recently shocked to learn that Oregon is one of only 11 states that doesn’t require students to take a civics class in order to graduate from high school. The health of our democracy depends on all of us knowing our rights, responsibilities, and our role in making our government work. I am excited to see that there is a bill that will make sure civics education is a part of every kid’s education. SB 513 won overwhelming support in the Senate and is now before the House Education Committee, awaiting your vote. I also understand that the legislation has received widespread support from educators, elected leaders, businesses and more.
I will be following this bill closely because I know how critical it is for Oregon’s students. Please vote for SB 513 and make sure our kids are given the civics education they need to lead our future.
Thank you for your service to our state.