
SPOTLIGHT: We the People and Mock Trial – Competitions and Curriculum

A Mock Trial team gathers around a table. They are smiling and enjoying themselves.We the People and Mock Trial:

Competitions and Curriculum

Most of our supporters know that the Mock Trial and We the People competitions have been a core part of Civics Learning Project for many years; educators who use CLP resources know that these programs are also incredibly valuable as teaching tools and strategies for their classrooms.

While «competition season» begins in the winter, many students spend time developing their skills, researching, and collaborating on strategy with their fellow teammates long before Regionals, and for the staff of CLP,  work on the We the People and Mock Trial annual Regional and State competitions happens virtually year-round.

Founded and designed by The Center for Civic EducationWe the People: The Citizen and the Constitution is an active learning curriculum designed to foster deeper understanding of the U.S. Constitution, Bill of Rights, and the institutions of government. The culminating activity is a simulated congressional hearing in which students testify before a panel, answering questions that demonstrate their knowledge and confidence.

Mock Trial is both a classroom strategy and an extracurricular competition. Using a fictional, or «mock» court case, students play the roles of attorneys, witnesses, and court officers while gaining public speaking, teamwork, research, collaboration, civil and criminal legal concepts, and civic engagement skills. Mock Trial brings the law alive for students and gives them a voice in what otherwise might seem a very distant judicial system. Oregon has been participating in the National High School Mock Trial Competition (NHSMTC) since 1987, and Civics Learning Project is proud to continue that legacy today.

Interested in volunteering for the We the People or Mock Trial competitions? Sign up at our volunteer portal, and explore opportunities by program or by date. Competition judges, facilitators, and volunteer coaches are critical to the success of these programs, and many volunteers report that watching the skill, passion, hard work and dedication of student participants is incredibly inspiring and gives them hope for the future – and we agree!